Contacting Chelsea District Library Staff
Phone: | 734-475-8732 |
Fax: | 734-475-6190 |
Address: | 221 S. Main Street Chelsea, MI 48118 |
Please click here to view the organizational chart of Chelsea District Library.
Monthly Board Packets
Chelsea District Library Bylaws
Special Meeting Notice
Notices for special meetings will appear here 18 hours prior to the event.
If you would like to request special accommodations to attend meetings,
please send your name, phone number, and email address to:
Open Board Meetings
Open Board Meetings
All meeting are open to the public so citizens may have the benefit of observing Board business. All formal action by the Chelsea District Library Board takes place during the public meetings. Closed sessions may be held to discuss personnel matters, the purchase or sale of property for competitive bidding, dispute involving court action, negotiations with employees and certain disciplinary matters.
We appreciate your interest in your Library. We believe community participation is essential to maintain excellent library services for all members of our District.
Public Participation
Meetings held by the Chelsea District Library are for the purpose of conducting library business. Public input is allowed during set times of these meetings and for specific amounts of time.
We encourage you to express your views on subjects related to the Library. Comments are welcome during times designed in each Board agenda.
Addressing the Board
There are several ways to formally address the Chelsea District Library Board:
Written Communication
You may write a letter addressed to the Chelsea District Library, c/o Board President, 221 S. Main St., Chelsea, MI 48118. Letters received by the Board President are given to the Board and normally become public record.
Telephone Communication/E-Mail
Community members are always encouraged and welcome to telephone the Library Director, the Board President, or any member to ask questions, share information, or discuss any issue of concern. The director may be contacted by email. Please be sure to include your full name and address for a response.
Participation in a Board Meeting
There are two ways to participate in a Board meeting:
You may call the Board President at least five days in advance of the Board meeting and ask to be placed on the agenda. The Board decides what agenda items are to be discussed when they formally adopt the agenda at the start of their meeting. Once approved, you will be allowed to make your presentation to the Board.
You may address the Board during the agenda item listed as “Comments from the Public.”
When addressing the Board, please state your name. If you are representative of an organization or group, please indicate whether you are representing the view of that group. Written statements should be given to the Board Secretary so copies can be made available to the press. Board members may question speakers, but the Board will not necessarily enter into debate or conversation during this portion of the meeting. In general, issues are referred to the Director for investigation, study and recommendation, designation as a future agenda item, or answered through written communication.