Did you know that CDL provides outreach services to local schools, daycare facilities, senior living communities, St. Louis Center, and more?
Mobile CDL / Mobee
Mobile CDL (a.k.a. Mobee) was added to Chelsea District Library services in spring of 2023. Mobee expands access to the library’s materials, staff, technology, and services. Visitors will use it similarly to a trip to the CDL building. During a stop visitors can browse the collection, check out items, get a library card, access the internet, and get answers to questions.
School & Senior Living Facility Visits: CDL librarians visit local daycare centers, senior living communities, and schools to provide storytimes, borrowing opportunities, and more. Contact Head of Marketing & Outreach Virginia Krueger for more information about scheduling a visit.
Special Events: Mobee loves a good adventure! We visit special events, participate in parades, trunk-or-treats, and more. Mobee travels within the 110-square mile Chelsea District Library service district, which includes the City of Chelsea, Lyndon and Sylvan Townships, and the portions of Lima and Dexter Townships within the Chelsea School District. Special visits will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis pending staff availability, current schedule, budget constraints, and location requirements. To request a special visit, please contact Head of Marketing & Outreach Virginia Krueger
CDL Delivers
If you can’t come to the library, let the library come to you! If you have trouble getting to the library because of permanent or temporary illness or disability you can have books delivered to your home.
CDL Delivers FAQ
Who is eligible?
Any library district resident who is unable to visit the library due to permanent or temporary disability or illness. Once we sign you up, you will receive a “homebound” library ID. Please note that purchased card holders & other TLN library patrons are not eligible for the home delivery service.
Is there a fee?
Our service is free to eligible patrons. Also, there are no overdue fines, although you may be held responsible for lost or damaged items.
What materials can I borrow?
- Books, excluding new books, but including large print and paperback
- Audiobooks on CD or Playaway MP3 player
- Magazines
- Non-feature DVDs
- Music CDs
How do I sign up?
Call us at (734) 475-8732 and ask for an Adult Services Librarian. We’ll help you complete a registration form that asks about particular materials you would like delivered. You can print the form as a Microsoft Word or PDF file and return it to us by mail, or you can call and leave a message for Gabrielle Hopkins at 734-475-8732 ext 228, or email her at ghopkins@chelseadistrictlibrary.org. After registration, we will set up a schedule for your book delivery.
Who will deliver the materials?
Materials will be delivered by trained volunteers or library staff.
How often will materials be delivered?
You will determine the frequency of delivery from one-time-only to monthly. All materials will be checked out to you for a four-week period.
Can I renew materials?
You may renew materials once, for an additional four-week period. However, renewals cannot be placed if someone else is waiting for an item.
How will materials be selected?
You will determine our level of involvement, which can range from filling specific title requests to regular staff selections based on your interests. Feel free to call us at any time with suggestions by title, author, subject, or genre.
How many items can I request?
There is no limit. You may check out as many items as you expect to need for a four-week period.
How do I volunteer?
If you would like to volunteer to help deliver books, please call (734) 475-8732 x202 to speak with Linda Ballard, Volunteer Services Coordinator. Learn more about the library’s volunteer program by clicking here.